Monday, June 21, 2010

Yvonne Todd

Really love the work of New Zealand photographer Yvonne Todd... Could it be any cornier/tackier? Obviously the point. I like it.


Sometimes words cannot describe the way you feel - but a song and/or images can.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carcharel SS10

I'll have one of each, thank you.

"Crazy Like A Fox"

"The meaning of this expression is "apparently crazy but with far more method than madness" (Partridge/Catch Phrases). Craziness is hardly a quality one associates with foxes, so the expression was perhaps merely formed in parallel with the older "cunning as a fox."

Taken from my current bed time book - Bloomsbury Dictionary of Phrase and Allusion.

I want a colouring-in book now


Devine and dainty.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010